Vivaldi Concerti per violini I 'La caccia' by Academia Montis Regalis & Enrico Onofri - 06- Bc Music Blog



16 Haziran 2011 Perşembe

Vivaldi Concerti per violini I 'La caccia' by Academia Montis Regalis & Enrico Onofri

To second what an earlier reviewer had to say, the combination of violinst Enrico Onofri and composer Vivaldi is a gift for the listener. My only regret is not purchasing this disc sooner! This collection of violin concertos with titles is the strongest argument I've heard against charges that Vivaldi's music is repetitive or mechanical (and musical evidence has to be stronger than verbal, right?). In addition to the soloist's singing tone, lusciuous orchestral textures and rhythmic energy of the disc, the individual character of each of these pieces is brilliantly illuminated for the audience. So we get a showy, strutting "Mogul", nerve-wracking (yet to my ears humorous!) "Inequietudine", a dreamy "Riposo" (dig the silvery yet warm muted strings), a rustic, stalking "Caccia" and a sneaky, insinuating "Sospetto". Two listenings and this disc has become (alongside Biondi's 'Estro Armonico') my favorite Vivaldi orchestral album! Even the liner notes are great: historically informative and insightful about the perfomer's love of this music. Moving, beautiful performances, highly recommended!!

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