Prokofiev, Shostakovich: Violin Concertos no 1 by Rostropovich and Vengerov Teldec 1cd - 06- Bc Music Blog



5 Temmuz 2011 Salı

Prokofiev, Shostakovich: Violin Concertos no 1 by Rostropovich and Vengerov Teldec 1cd essential recording
With his brilliant tone, flawlessly centered intonation, jaw-dropping technique, and exquisitely beautiful phrasing, Maxim Vengerov is ideal in this repertory. His sparkling account of the Prokofiev conveys the music's mercurial shifts of color and mood with great élan, and turns wonderfully evocative in the ethereal pages. The interpretation of the Shostakovich is equally fine--strongly characterized and imaginative, haunting in its beauty. The young soloist is ably partnered by Mstislav Rostropovich, who draws some remarkably fine and suggestive playing out of an alert London Symphony Orchestra, and makes a convincing whole out of each score. Teldec's engineers take advantage of the Abbey Road venue to deliver a recording that, while predictably balanced in favor of the soloist, is detailed and nicely atmospheric. This disc won Gramophone magazine's Record of the Year award in 1995, and it comes impressively close to capturing the kind of electricity Vengerov generates onstage.
--Ted Libbey

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