Can Women Go Longer Without Sex?
We Spoke To 4 Women About Whether Or Not They Think Women Generally Desire Sex Less Than Men. Some Of Their Answers Are Shocking
This is a topic that often comes up during conversations between both men and women, and that often gets a resounding "Yes!" for an answer.
But, I thought that there was probably more to this than most people think, so I decided to gather a panel of four women in order to get to the bottom of this issue.
Let's cut right to the chase: can women go longer than men without having sex?
Sophie: Absolutely!
Janice: I'm not sure. I think that it depends on the individual in question. It's not so simple
Patricia: Yes. My husband can't go a day without it, whereas I am happy having sex a couple of days per week.
Annabella: No way. I'm not ashamed to say that I love having sex and need it often. That whole thing about women not wanting sex as much as men is a total myth probably perpetrated by religious fanatics.
I see that there are mixed feelings about the issue. Sophie, why do you say, "absolutely"?
Sophie: Well... Women generally have a lot of options, but are willing to hold out for the right person. Men, on the other hand, tend to view sex more casually, and have nothing against one-night stands.
Annabella: Speak for yourself! I love one-night stands. The sex is always of the mind-blowing first encounter variety, and you don't have to deal with the guy's annoying habits and moods. If you really like each other, then you can have breakfast together before going your separate ways.
Janice: I've never met a woman who was so up-front about sex like that.
Annabella: Thanks.
What do you think about one-night stands? Annabella, I know where you stand, but what about the rest of you?
Sophie: I've had a couple They're okay. But nothing beats sex with someone you love, or at least care about.
Patricia: I had a few before I met my husband. They were fun. There's nothing wrong with them if both parties agree to sex with no strings attached. If one person falls for the other though, it can get ugly.
Janice: I don't think I could do it. If I like a guy enough to want to sleep with him, it means that I could probably fall for him, and that kind of goes against the whole idea behind a one-night stand.
So, exactly how long can you go without sex?
Find out...
Janice: Good question, I just ended a long relationship, and I'm about to find out
Annabella: Why deprive yourself? Go find yourself a guy before you forget how. Personally, I can't go more than a couple of days without it, or I become a total bitch.
Sophie: I've gone a year without it, and that's not something that I ever want to go through again. But believe me, the guy that ended the dry spell was one satisfied dude.
Patricia: I don't know a couple of months?
What about within an existing relationship? I've heard so many guys complaining that their women eventually stopped wanting sex once they were with the guy for a while.
Patricia: I think that it probably has something to do with the fact that with a long-term relationship comes moving in together, and everything that entails for the women, like cooking and cleaning. If she's working full-time and has a life on top of that, she's probably just too tired for sex.
Janice: I don't know about that. My last relationship lasted a few years and my desire for my boyfriend never faded, even after we'd moved in together... Well, except when he'd done something to upset me...
Annabella: I totally agree with you, that whole "I'm tired" crap is just a cop-out for "I'm not attracted to you anymore."
Sophie: There are also women who don't even like sex, but who agree to it at the beginning of a relationship in order to get the guy they're after.
Janice: That's so wrong.
Come on, the guy must have something to do with a drop in interest?
Sophie: Of course. Some men are just terrible in bed, and instead of finding themselves a man that meets their needs, both inside and outside of the bedroom, women will often settle for someone that meets them only on the outside.
Annabella: Those are the kinds of women that get all bitter and frustrated, and end up at Tupperware parties with other bitter and frustrated wives.
Janice: Scary But sometimes the guy changes, and stops being as considerate and caring as he was at the beginning of the relationship, so the woman ends up feeling a certain distance between them.
Patricia: That's very true. When my husband and I first got together, he was so charming I couldn't get enough of him, but now, he has just stopped trying altogether.
Thanks ladies, this has been very enlightening.
everyone's different
So, I guess it all comes down to the individual woman. Some can go a long time without sex, holding out until the right guy comes along, whereas others can't seem to go a day without it, regardless of whether they're in a relationship or not.
Whether this is good or bad all boils down to what type of woman you want to be with, and how many men you want to be compared to.
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