Do Women Believe In Sexual Chemistry?
Here Are 7 Reasons Why Women Not Only Believe In Sexual Chemistry, But Feel It More Than Men
Men have long been wondering if women believe in sexual chemistry, or if they are the only sex that experiences intense and inexplicable feelings of sexual attraction when the object of their desire is nearby.
Well, gentlemen, let me assure you that this is simply not the case. Sexual chemistry is as real for women as it is for you. We get just as flustered as you do when we are deeply attracted to someone. Our heartbeat steps it up a notch and our body temperature rises a couple of degrees.
Sexual chemistry is not just something that's felt on an unspoken level between two people, even before any type of relationship has started, it is also about how sexually compatible two people are once they're actually having sex. And this aspect of sexual chemistry is very important to most women.
But where do these feelings even come from? Recent scientific research has shown that pheromones can play a huge role in sexual chemistry. Pheromones are subconscious sex signals that the body gives off to attract members of the opposite sex. These invisible and odorless airborne molecules are thought to influence one's emotions and sexual behavior.
If one accepts this research as true, then sexual attraction and compatibility can be explained as a chemical reaction between two people who pick up each other's sexual energy more intensely than does anyone else.
women can't do without it
The major difference between how men and women feel about this phenomenon is that men seem to be able to have great sex without such sexual chemistry, while women seemingly cannot.
For instance, men can have female friends that they enjoy having sex with for various reasons besides sexual chemistry; reasons as simple as relieving sexual tension. Chances are that the woman in this equation does feel a certain sexual energy between herself and her partner, or she wouldn't be in bed with him.
it's electric
While men can have such mechanical sex, there is no denying that sex between two people with great chemistry is electric. After all, if the sex is awkward or uncomfortable, then there is obviously no sexual chemistry. On the other hand, if you are effortlessly responding to each other's every sexual desire and whim, perhaps even before the other knows that's what they want, then the sexual chemistry between you is red-hot.
Chemistry such as this is difficult to come by. Both parties must be completely immersed in both each other and the moment. If one of the partners is thinking about someone or something else, the type of sexual chemistry I'm referring to simply cannot exist. Obviously this type of chemistry is not possible with just anybody.
Does chemistry outside the bedroom guarantee chandelier-swinging sex?
in and out
So, how can you tell if the two of you will make a dynamic duo? Hard to tell. Sometimes, even two people that are mentally and emotionally mismatched can make great lovers; other times, the sparks fly between two people everywhere except in the bedroom.
For a great example of the latter, one need look no further than an episode of Sex and the City . Sarah Jessica Parker's character Carrie and Jack (Ron Livingston) clicked everywhere, from the restaurant to the dry cleaners. But the moment they stepped into the bedroom, the spark just fizzled out.
Generally speaking, however, great chemistry outside the bedroom is a good barometer for whether or not those same juices will flow in it. When in doubt, my advice would be that if you "click" on virtually every other level, then you should in the bedroom as well.
don't sweat it
It is also important to keep in mind that everyone has an off-night once in a while. If one of you is tired or has a headache, your sexual chemistry will probably suffer. You shouldn't take this as a sign that you've permanently lost it, but just go with the flow and make up for it the next time you decide to play the "naked roll around."
communication breakdown
However, if you find yourself experiencing less than perfect lovemaking sessions more often than you would like, the worst thing to do is ignore the problem in the hopes that it will just go away. The only way to get the sexual sparks flying again is to communicate your sexual desires and preferences to your partner.
Tell her what you like, and gently discourage things that you don't like, by saying things like: "I prefer it when you..." or "I love how you...". And encourage her to do the same. This is the only way that you will learn how to really please each other in bed.
it's different for women
Another important difference between how women's views on sexual chemistry differ from men's is that most women tend to see it as a necessary thing upon which to build a possible relationship, not merely as the basis for a fantastic night. And this is where the wires get crossed.
A woman is much more likely than a man to associate sexual chemistry with love. This is why many a man's favorite lie to tell a woman is "I love you." They know that this is often all a woman has to hear to give in to her sexual desires.
Many women have caught on, however, and now know better. Women have somehow managed to condition themselves to not even admit to being attracted to a man, unless they feel that he is interested in more than just a sexual thrill. This may be why some men think that they are the only ones feeling any sexual vibes.
But as I have already mentioned, this is simply not the case. Women probably believe in sexual chemistry more than men do. The trick is knowing how to get her to give into the feelings she may be having for you, and keeping these feelings alive many nights from now.
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