What Women Want After Sex
It's Not Only About Pleasing Her During Sex -- What You Do After Is Just As Important
After asking many a man what he likes to do after making love, taking a nap topped the list by a landslide, and having a snack came in at second. Now, in a man's ideal world, every
woman would get up after lovemaking, prepare a warm snack for her man and then stroke his hair while he takes a long nap.
And although there are women out there who do comply with such a request, chances are it won't become the post-sex routine you're hoping for. It just ain't going to happen. Relationships are about give and take, and while giving her an orgasm and taking a nap fit the rhetoric, that's not the way it's going to be.
women are different
Although I've discussed this topic with an abundance of women, I can't pretend to know what every single one wants after sex. The desires range from cuddling and talking to being left alone and being fed. But from what I could gather, touching definitely topped the list.
I want to cuddle
Come on, it's no secret; just about every woman loves it when her man finishes doing his thing only to flip her around and hug her in the spoon position. That's the goldmine of affectionate actions.
Flipping her around isn't even necessary, but chances are that some kind of bodily touching may be. Why? Well, because sharing in a very sacred experience with a woman likely leaves her feeling vulnerable. And something as small as wrapping your arm around her can make all the difference.
But you're tired: If you're about to crash out for a couple of hours because you simply can't keep your eyes open, wrap your arms around her, say something like, "you wore me out, babe" and nap away.
Don't touch me
Then there are those women who don't want any sort of affection once the love session comes to a halt. Why? Well, some women confessed that their senses become heightened to the point where any form of touching is too exacerbating for them.
Of course, that's not to say that such women are cold or unaffectionate, nor that you should be; they simply need some alone time to regroup. I'm sure you can understand.
But you're tired: This is perfect for you if you enjoy a quiet 30-minute nap. But don't simply crash out right away; ask a few close-ended questions such as, "Are you okay?" and "Do you need anything?" Close off with something like "You turn me on so much," before heading off to sleepy heaven.
There are talkers and of course, the nymphos...
I want to talk
Although many guys aren't big fans of the "cuddle," there are even less men around who want to talk once the deed is over. But if she wants to talk, you may have to keep your ears open and listen up.
Chances are that she will likely talk about what went down — especially if you had her yelling out like a banshee. And I'm quite sure that your "strokable" ego will overtake your need for some shuteye when it comes to such a topic anyway.
But you're tired: If you want to take a nap at this point, you won't be able to doze off completely as she might be insulted if you start snoring when she's in the middle of describing her second orgasm. Instead, ask open-ended questions so she'll take longer to answer, giving you time to relax. As well, do your best to keep her talking about what you did that was so great, that way, you'll want to stay awake.
Let's do it again
If she's still raring to go after the first round, chances are she'll be all over you, doing her best to let you know that the evening calls for a second round. Between playing with herself and stroking your penis, you may just find yourself going into round two before you know it.
But if you're older and more comfortable in your relationship, chances are that you may not be as easily aroused for round two, and, of course, that isn't your fault. Add that to the fact that you probably did all the work and it's quite possible that your little man won't be good to go right away.
But you're tired: If she wants more lethal penetration and all you want to do is catch some Zs, then tell her that she wore you out (flatter her ego) and you need to recuperate before you go again.
she knows you're tired
It's a well-known fact that after a man ejaculates, he feels like sleeping, because upon orgasm, humans release the hormone oxytocin, which normally makes us sleepy. Then again, perhaps if you didn't hold your breath when you reached orgasm, you'd be able to stay awake (that's one theory anyway).
The bottom line is that, whether you're with your long-time girlfriend or a one-night stand, a gentleman always makes an effort to ensure that the woman lying next to him feels secure after sex. I know you want to sleep, but just do your best to let her know that it's nothing personal.
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