Signs She's Willing To Have A Threesome 10 Signs She's Down For A Threesome - 06- Bc Music Blog



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Signs She's Willing To Have A Threesome 10 Signs She's Down For A Threesome

Signs She's Willing To Have A Threesome
10 Signs She's Down For A Threesome

A threesome is the ultimate sexual fantasy for many guys. But making that fantasy a reality is no easy feat. So how can one determine whether the person they’re in a relationship
 with would ever be open to one? I personally have know idea. That’s why I’ve reached out to somebody who does know.

The person I spoke to was Chris Maxwell Rose, an independent sex educator and one of two founding members of Pleasure Mechanics, a website that serves as a vast electronic library of sexual knowledge, the riches of which are shared through online classes taught by both Rose and her partner. When it comes to threesomes, you could say Rose wrote the book on it. Because, well, she did.

Using the knowledge from her comprehensive guide, "How To Have A Threesome," we’ve compiled some key traits to look for in a partner who’s willing to have a threesome — because if she isn’t, results can get ugly. Let’s make this fantasy happen, guys!

1. She’s Open To New Erotic Adventures
Before you even consider a threesome, you should probably take some baby steps prior. By doing this, you can better gauge her interest. “Whether it’s bringing new toys into the bedroom or having sex in the great outdoors, try a few adventures that are just for two before considering bringing a third on board,” Rose says.

2. She’s Willing To Share Fantasies
“The first step towards having a great threesome is talking about it in explicit detail,” Rose begins. “Flesh out your fantasies together and see where your desires overlap. If she can’t talk in dirty details, she’s not ready for the real thing.”

3. She’s Willing To Watch Porn
“Not all women are into porn — but if she’s down with watching porn together once in awhile, it’s a good sign that she’ll be up for a threesome,” Rose point outs. For best results, Rose advises you let your lady be in charge of the pornographic material and have her compile a sexy playlist (“Try feminist porn or amateur porn,” she suggests) and then discuss what you both find hot as you watch. This will frame the fantasy and give you some ideas to play around with.

4. She Wants To Take Baby Steps Towards a Threesome
“In our book How To Have A Threesome, we outline several baby steps (as mentioned earlier in this article) towards a full-on threesome so you don’t have to risk it all at once.” So instead of going all-in, Rose suggests you instead experiment with small steps (again, like we’ve mentioned prior; you can watch porn together, share fantasies, whatever it may be) that will help you find your comfort zone together without risking your entire relationship in the process.

5. She Loves Sex
“To have a great threesome, you need three people who really love sex,” Rose states. “This doesn’t mean she has to be multi-orgasmic or acrobatic in bed, but an authentic enjoyment of touch, sensuality and arousal will go a long way.”

6. She Is Sexually Confident
Many women struggle with sexual confidence, and any shame or guilt about sex is going to get in the way of a great threesome, Rose says. What are some traits of these sexually confident women? These women are happy lounging naked, have no problem being seen in the throes of orgasm, and are open to experiment in the bedroom. “These are all great traits for her to have before you invite a third to your party,” she adds.

7. She Doesn’t Compete With Other Women
“Our culture encourages intense competition between women — and this pattern can get in the way during threesomes,” Rose declares. To enjoy sharing her man with another guy, a woman needs to love the company of other women, be turned on by other women’s bodies, and not freak out if the other woman’s boobs are bigger or her orgasms are more intense, or whatever else might incite sexual competition. “Of course, the same goes for guys if you are planning a MMF threesome,” she adds.

8. She Loves Flirting — And Watching You Flirt
“If she can’t handle watching you flirt with other women, forget about a threesome,” Rose advises. “But if you both get turned on by watching one another turn on the charm, it is a good sign that you’ll get super aroused watching one another during a threesome.”

9. She Experiences Compersion, Not Jealousy
“Compersion” is a term coined to describe the opposite of erotic jealousy. Compersion is all about feeling pleasure when your partner receives pleasure from someone else,” Rose mentions. “Does she get excited when you have a great night out with the guys, or does she sulk? Is she happy for you when you spend a day finishing up that project in the garage, or does she make you feel guilty? Check in about how much compersion vs. jealousy she is expressing, in and out of the bedroom.”

10. It’s Her Fantasy Too
The ultimate sign that she’ll be up for a threesome? It’s her fantasy as well! “You can look for signs that she’ll be into a threesome, but ultimately you can never convince or coerce her into participating if threesomes don’t authentically turn her on.” The best way to find out if she is into a threesome, you say? Ask her!

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