4 Libido-Killing Meds - 06- Bc Music Blog



3 Nisan 2022 Pazar

4 Libido-Killing Meds

4 Libido-Killing Meds

It’s a known fact that medications can cause some side effects. While experiencing nausea, dry mouth or sleeplessness isn’t anybody’s idea of a good time, most side effects are categorized as mere inconveniences. But
 certain medications can elbow their way into your sex life and cause unpleasant effects, such as a lack of desire, impotence and difficulty reaching orgasm. When you need the medication to deal with a serious health problem, it can feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a... well, not-so-hard place.

Luckily, in many cases, there are steps you can take that will decrease the severity of the symptoms — if not erase them altogether. That way, you can be at peace knowing your underlying condition is still being treated with no hindrance to your mojo. Here are some of the most common libido downers and tips to help you cope.

1- Prozac
Condition it treats: Depression
Description: Loss of desire, delayed orgasm and impotence are commonly reported among men taking Prozac and many other forms of antidepressants.

Counteractive measures: It may be frustrating that the medication treating your depression is causing you to lose interest in an activity that makes you smile, but it’s a relatively common side effect with many antidepressants. Sometimes all you need is a little bit of patience, as the sexual side effects associated with Prozac may go away after a few months. You can also try scheduling sexual activity before your daily dose of medication, or skipping a dose one day a week (but only after you talk to your doctor first). If you still get no relief, a different form of antidepressant may resolve your libido problems.

2- Zantac
Condition it treats: Peptic ulcers, acid reflux disease, hyperactivity
Description: Along with being known to cause male breast enlargement in rare numbers, Zantac can cause impotence and a lack of interest in sex.

Counteractive measures: While most ulcers can be cured by antibiotics, physicians still prescribe Zantac, or a similar drug like Pepcid or Tagamet, to treat acid reflux disease. Unfortunately, many of these alternative prescriptions have similar side effects.

Some men have had luck with adopting lifestyle modifications, which may cancel out the need for medication. Some things you can do to ease heartburn and acid reflux include not eating within three hours before bedtime, stop smoking, eat smaller portions, and lose weight.

How hair loss can also mean libido loss…

3- Propecia
Condition it treats: Hair loss due to male pattern baldness, enlarged prostate
Description: In less than 1% of the population, Propecia has been known to cause decreased sex drive, decreased amount of ejaculate, difficult orgasms, and trouble getting and maintaining an erection.

Counteractive measures: Losing hair may be one of a man’s greatest fears, but unfortunately, treating male pattern baldness can mean choosing between a full head of hair or a sex life. If your libido is affected by Propecia, there are other hair loss treatments that may do the trick. Rogaine, a topical solution, can be used to promote hair growth, and hair transplants have also proven effective for many men. Since sexual side effects due to Propecia use are purported to be rare, many physicians advise their patients to look for an underlying psychological cause of their sexual problems before blaming the medication.

4- Zestril
Condition it treats: Hypertension and diabetes
Description: Zestril, along with other angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, doesn’t have as much of a reputation as beta blockers for harming libido, but that doesn’t nullify its potential. Those who experience a change in their sex lives may have trouble reaching orgasm, changes in ejaculation volume, impotence, and a lack of sexual desire.

Counteractive measures: Libido effects in connection with Zestril are touted as rare, so first make sure the changes in your sexual performance or desire don’t stem from psychological causes. But because many other anti-hypertensive drugs share the potential to cause problems in the bedroom, your best bet may be to simply not get high blood pressure in the first place. Exercising, eating well and avoiding nasty habits like smoking and excessive alcohol consumption may go a long way toward preventing or treating hypertension.

long live the libido
While the potential mojo effects of some of these medications can be daunting, it’s worth noting that in all four of these drugs, sexual side effects are said to be extremely rare. Some physicians may argue that any libido issues that arise shortly after taking the drugs are a result of the power of suggestion — because you’ve heard the sexual horror stories, you’re expecting, and waiting for, the same thing to happen to you. If you experience these side effects, and you don’t think it’s a simple case of mind over matter, take heart. For each condition you need medication to treat, there are usually dozens of alternate drugs you can take that may not affect your sex life in the same way. In most cases, you and your doctor can work together to find a treatment that keeps itself out of the bedroom.

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